
Beautiful Floral Rugs in Australia

Bring a touch of springtime flourish to your floor with floral rugs! At Cyrus Rugs, we have rugs round and square, small and large, ready to rejuvenate your space in an explosion of flower power. For a subtle springtime celebration, try our powerful Persian-patterned rugs featuring flowery notes. Alternatively, we have metaphorical vibrant bouquets of flowering and floral patterns to choose from. Whichever you decide, you’ll know you’re buying high-quality floral-patterned rugs when you buy with Cyrus Rugs. Check out our full range of rugs for sale in our online shop!

Keep Things Snug With a Floral Rug

Timber flooring can come in smooth or rustic forms, but it usually appears a little sterile. Adding a floral rug can be a great way to inspire that deadening tree to bloom once more! Whether you’re opting for an opulent, extra-large rug to square out your living space, or a hallway runner bursting with welcoming springtime energy, there’s a floral rug fit for your ideal purpose. Why not sample our circular floral rugs, reminiscent of flower middles themselves, which can function as the ultimate accent pieces?

From Floral Rugs to Beyond the Garden

The beauty of our floral rugs is that there’s something for everyone. From the budding floral fan who keeps things subtle to the ultimate flower enthusiast, almost everyone can find something to suit them. On the other hand, if flowers aren’t your pick, Cyrus Rugs has a range of more traditional rugs you can peruse. Or, if you enjoy the serene simplicity of white rugs, you may just be tickled pink by our ivory collection.

Why Pick Cyrus Rugs?

Equipped with more than 30 years’ experience, Cyrus Rugs is a family business made up of interior enthusiasts. We want your home to be the best it can be, which is why we stock high-quality rugs at affordable prices. For the best rugs online Australia has ever seen, you can’t go past Cyrus Rugs’ online store. Shop online with us and enjoy Australia-wide delivery—as well as free shipping on all orders over $250. We can’t wait to help you take your first step towards a more beautiful home.

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